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517911 Ndị na-ere ahịa nkwukọrịta
541512 Kọmputa Systems Design Services
541614 Usoro, nkesa anụ ahụ, yana ọrụ ndụmọdụ logistics
511210 Ndị na-ebipụta ngwanrọ

DUNS Nọmba 184238520
Koodu oghere 4VJW5

Onye na-ahụ maka IT (ITA) na-ahụ maka ịtụrụ ime, na-ahụ maka nhazi nke usoro azụmahịa site na iji telecom na teknụzụ teknụzụ mepụtara, site na mmemme ngwanrọ ahaziri na njikọta na gburugburu igwe ojii.


Telecom & Technology Consulting and Infrastructure 
A review of the telecommunications and technology infrastructure of the organization is undertaken to identify extant IT challenges and possibilities. The outcomes of the review will furnish an inclusive basis for subsequent management and technology advancement undertakings.

Telecom and Technology Talent Acquisition
The Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) offered by ITA facilitates access to proficient human resources to cater to the requirements of the telecommunications and technology domains.

Managed Custom Software Consulting & Development
Implement a comprehensive system integration strategy to optimize the efficiency of individual systems and minimize resource and personnel requirements.



Procurement & Order Fulfillment Solution

Our Software as a Service (SaaS), iTDelivers™ provides government and enterprise customers with secure and real-time order fulfillment as well as encrypted cloud-based solutions to handle procurement and order fulfillment requirements.  Our metrics driven SaaS automates the customer-order processes, reduces user-data entry errors, and offers efficiency in ordering, tracking, custom reporting, and sharing of internet connected device information.  As a result, it provides transparency, accountability, and security to all stakeholders within the procurement ecosystem.


Innovative Solutions

To connect corporate organizations with their clients and the future of their industry, we provide creative and practical IT solutions. 

Digital Modernization

We design technological solutions by developing specialized technological goods and services. 

Network Transformation

Utilize a system that has been simplified to optimize everyday operations while saving time, labor, and resources.

An Industry Leader

Award-winning networks and professional, reliable custom software development and services.

Nkwupụta ikike ITA 5.3.2023.pdf.png
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